#And I have never once shipped Stolas x Blitz or Charlie x Vaggie
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palettepainter · 1 year ago
I'll be real I'm not really into Hazbin anymore but like...I've seen clips on Twitter of the songs (which slap by the way like damn-) and....the dynamic of Vox and Val?? The tension between Vox and Alastor?? Whoo
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dreamwreaver · 16 days ago
ngl it's surprising to see how many parallels from canon ships Charlastor has with. lucilith, stolitz, Millie x Moxxie (have no clue what their ship name is) and Huskerdust(not canon yet but there's definitely a few similar traits charlastor shares with it)
For a non-canon ship, it sure is similar to a lot of canon relationships
If hazbin was made by literally any other person charlastor would be endgame canon. Viv has made a couple of comparisons about what chaggie is "allegedly" like that I simply don't see. They're like Jack and Sally, no because Sally never told Jack stop being the person you are to please others she actually told him to stop being something your not to try and fill an emotional void.
Oh, they made chaggie canon because the boarders were working on scenes where Charlie is talking to her partner and they just kept drawing vaggie in there because there was so much chemistry. Like, can we see this fucking amazeballs script that had the boarders sticking vaggie in all those moments because from where I'm standing show vaggie doesn't even pass the sexy lamp test. We already know chaggie wasn't originally supposed to be canon because Proto Vaggie was paired with angel dust! So what exactly is so captivating about Charlie and Vaggie's dynamic that they're established canon and yet don't feel like it? And before anyone says "well they've been together a while so it's dumb to expect them to be as passionate as the beginning"
Fizzmodeus. I don't care that Ozzie's the embodiment of lust. Half the time we saw those two together the point of their dynamic was demonstrating how stupidly in love they were while trying to disguise it as simple sexual attraction. And just based off simple math; fizz met Ozzie after becoming mammon's heir right? That clown competition has been held every year since fizz first won it right? And by the time he quits he's been doing it for nearly 10 years. Even being generous and figuring fizz and Ozzie didn't immediately get together I would still wager based on Ozzie's protectiveness, the detailed portrait in his office, the fact that he has a first aid kit with ready to go robotic limb placements it's been at least 5 years they've been together. So in that 5-10 year range they are still so in love it's sickening and obvious enough to everyone that the general reaction to the public finding out was "I knew it!"
And before we say that it was constrained for time, fizzmodeus before season 2 had a song, and Ozzie comforting fizz after he'd been knocked out. And the entire fandom clocked them as a ship. Even if they weren't originally intended to be, like chaggie, like huskerdust too, we can see them as a pre-established couple that STILL has chemistry despite having their own lives and having been together for a while.
Ozzie flat out refused to give stolas a crystal because fizz hated blitz, was trusted enough to be given the details of the worst day of fizz's life, could clock immediately once fizz and blitz had reconciled that this was the person who had his most important person's back and could be counted on. And even though Ozzie didn't like that fizz felt obligated to continue on with the clown thing for mammon, communicated that he didn't like how so many people saw fizz as a product to be bought and enjoyed, didn't like having to be the one in charge of MAKING that product, he never stopped fizz from making his own choices, he supported his partner in MEANINGFUL ways that do not change the essence of who fizz is. He listens and offers support if not solutions, encouragement that their partner can handle themselves and they will be there if needed.
Who does that for Charlie? Who refuses to leave her alone while she falls into a pit of self loathing? Really look Charlie and alastor's screen time in hello Rosie. Alastor is very calculating, and when he chooses to speak is exactly as important as what he chooses to say.
1. He doesn't like seeing Charlie wallow in self pity, as condescending as it likely comes across we already know he loves seeing Vox with his tail between his legs and doesn't believe in Charlie's goals so why wouldn't he take the opportunity to gloat about being right?
2. While he may like to prey on overconfidence in his victims we already know Charlie would have been more than willing to sell her soul for a chance at protecting her people. She was at her lowest point and rather than striking when she was in her darkest most defeated place he chose to wait until she was good and pissed and STILL didn't ask for her soul.
I fully believe he intended to make her mad because being mad means you're more than likely to do something about it. He antagonizes her on purpose so her fire comes back. When they go to Rosie's (which, again, we know he chose because cannibal town caters to Charlie's natural communication style) he only does enough to make sure Charlie's needs are clearly communicated to the overlord and provides a tangible benefit catered to their sensibilities. And when she's fully ready to be herself he does the equivalent of putting his actual heart in her hands. He had every confidence she could convince the other cannibals to join her cause. And then again the night before they could all die; he gives her his mic AGAIN. Charlie and Alastor might as well be pre-established canon because he does all the emotional work of a partner and they work together so seamlessly even when he's doing things she doesn't particularly like she knows why he does business the way he does.
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cas-is-queer · 27 days ago
I’m probably forgetting some stuff, so this might get updated.
My name is Casey, you can also call me Cas. I use he/they pronouns, idrc which ones you use. I’m asexual omniromantic, and I’m transmasc and nonbinary! I'm also AuDHD. If you’ve been w me long enough,  you’ll remember when my url was something different. Fun fact I actually never posted about that change so y’all just had to figure it out for yourselves. I used to be fandomtrash67, back when my blog was just reblogs and likes and nothing important, when I was only on here like once a month. 
I have personal tags! cas has thoughts is my original posts, but not all of them. The site I used to sort through the frankly copious amounts of reblogs I have still filtered out when I had full thoughts in the reblog, so it's missing some. cas does things is my polls and asks and shit.
This is mostly a Doctor Who blog, ngl, but I’ll randomly post about some other fandoms too (which are listed below). 12 is my favorite Doctor, followed by 10. My biggest ships, in order, are: Thoschei (literally insane about them. Mostly twissy, but all variations too), 12clara (I also fw 11clara), and Timepetals (all variations). 
I am currently on season 13, and I only started watching within this last year. When I was younger, I was so fucking in love with Timepetals that the end of season two made me so sad I stopped watching the show for almost two years. I’m back, bitches! I’m still trying to catch up. 
I am a destiel sleeper agent, they will show up randomly. 
I am a fic writer, but I’m sorta inconsistent on my posting. Find me here: X
Unfortunately, I am American, so US politics will show up sometimes. Shit fucking sucks.
Buckle up, because this is my insanely long fandom/ships list! IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! BOLD IS MY FAVS! THIS IS REALLY FUCKING LONG!! (The bold is only showing up for me on desktop and not mobile, so sorry if it's like that for yall too)
Supernatural, Doctor Who, Haven, Grimm, Grey’s Anatomy/Station 19, Scream, Heartstopper, First Kill, PJO and all associated fandoms, Lie to Me, Good Omens (I do not support Neil Gaiman), Marvel, Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel, My Hero Academia, X-Men, Lord of the Rings, Saw, Once Upon a Time, House MD (still watching, not finished)
Ships that got me fucked up! Bold are from bold fandoms or I just really love them. / is romantic, & is platonic.
Dean Winchester/Castiel (Supernatural), Dewey Riley/Gale Weathers (Scream), Tony Stark & Peter Parker (MCU), Nathan Wuornos/Audrey Parker (Haven), Cal Lightman/Gillian Foster (Lie to Me), Cal Lightman & Emily Lightman (Lie to Me), Loki/Mobius (Loki/MCU), Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Gabriel/Beezlebub (Good Omens), Maggie/Nina (Good Omens), Charlie Morningstar/Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel), Angel Dust/Husker (Hazbin Hotel), Charlie Morningstar & Lucifer Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel), Stolas Goetia/Blitz (Helluva Boss), Rose Tyler/Any Doctor (Doctor Who), Clara Oswald/11 or 12 or fuck it throw 13 in there (Doctor Who), 12th Doctor & Bill Potts (DW), 10th Doctor/Simm!Master (DW), 12th Doctor/Missy (DW), 13th Doctor/Dhawan!Master (DW), 13th Doctor/Yasmin Khan (DW), 13th Doctor/Yasmin Kahn/Dhawan!Master (DW), River Song/Any Doctor, but mostly 11 (DW), 10th Doctor & Donna Noble (DW), 12th Doctor/Missy/Clara Oswald (DW), Clara Oswald/Ashildr (Lady/Mayor Me) (DW), Amy Pond/Rory Williams (DW), Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr (X-Men), Agatha Harkness/Rio Vidal (Agatha All Along/MCU), Aragorn/Legolas (Lotr), Lawrence Gordon/Adam Faulker-Stanheight (Saw), Amanda Young/Lynn Denlon (Saw), Peter Strahm/Mark Hoffman (Saw), Gregory House/James WIlson (House MD), Wade Wilson/Logan Howlett (Deadpool and Wolverine), Billy Loomis/Stu Macher (Scream), Sidney Prescott/Tatum Riley (Scream), Tara Carpenter/Amber Freeman (Scream), Randy Meeks/Mickey Altieri (Scream), Kirby Reed/Jill Roberts (Scream), Kirby Reed/Samantha Carpenter (Scream), Regina Mills/Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)
Statistically I forgot some, so forgive me. Congratulations if you made it this far!
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